Friday, September 28, 2012

Here we go again!

Hello! It's been awhile. I've been naughty, had a very hard time kicking the sugar habit this time. Sadly I have to admit that I gained most of my weight back. Booo, bad me! Really scarey how it can creep so quickly. Though on a happy note I am much healthier this time around. I can still pump out pushups and do yoga, so I'm happy about that.

For the past two weeks I've been really trying hard to kick my bum in gear, and get it right. Lost two pounds, so it's a start.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Feeling better finally, and back on low GL!

Hello! I'm still here. The past two weeks or so I've finally been feeling much better. So I've started doing much stricter low GL and workingout more. There aren't any results on the scale yet, but I did just have totm. So hopefully in another week or two there will be some results on the scale. At least for now I do notice I'm feeling more alive, well and stronger.

I found it much harder to pull myself off of high GL foods this time around. I guess it was much easier when going from low carbs to low GL. Now that I've been doing this for almost two weeks strict, I notice a huge difference in my cravings, as they're really a lot less now.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Thirty third Weekly Weight Update!

Okay I'm a little bummed out with weigh in today. I started workingout again this past week. It was over a month ago that I did some serious workout. So I've been sore this week, but I noticed that on Tuesday the scale jumped over 2lbs. Since then the scale hasn't budged. I've been eating much less than I have been, and eating much better and healthier.

It's a little discouraging when you're doing good and the scale goes up like that. I can understand if I was pounding down Big Macs all day and food sinning, but I haven't I hope it's the working out and eating healthier that caused my body to get confused or something, and hopefully it'll wake up soon and start losing weight again >_<

+2.2 lbs (+1kg)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Food Log (23 May 2012)

Feeling sore today from my workouts. I decided to give my body a small break, but I did go on a walk . I also did a little bit of painting today, which will most likely make my arms sore tomorrow. Working on the house is a never ending task, but it always feels wonderful having new paint or new wallpaper . Today's food was leftover so it wasn't special, but I do love leftovers, as it means I didn't have to cook.

Oat porridge with blackberries, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, cinnamon, turmeric, agave syrup and milk.

Lunch: Teriyaki chicken, huge salad, and oats/barley/rice mix.

Snack: Dark choco biscuit

Dinner: Teriyaki chicken, huge salad, and oats/barley/rice mix.

Exercise: 28 minutes walk.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Food Log (22 May 2012)

I'm doing much better, cold isn't 100% gone yet, but it's getting there I've been able to workout since yesterday, and have done better with the eating as I'm feeling better. We've finally been getting some warm weather up here. Took it long enough but I'm enjoying the warmth and the sun now

Food isn't 100% perfect but it's a start I've got a lot to lose from the gain I made in the states.

Breakfast: Oat porridge with raspberries, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, cinnamon, turmeric, agave syrup and milk.

Snack: A few naughties of choco chip cookies

Lunch: Very small portion of pytt i panna (Swedish potato hash thing), egg, and a huge salad.

Snack: A banana.

Dinner: Teriyaki chicken, huge salad, and oats/barley/rice mix.

Exercise: Pushups, dips, 40 minutes of yoga, and 25 minutes walk.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Power of Yoga!

Arthur Boorman's inpirational video

Last week Esther Ekhart shared a video on facebook.  It was amazing and inspirational.  The video speaks for itself.  The power of yoga is amazing!  This is why I love yoga so much, just a small step eventually leads to something greater.  The only measuring stick is yourself, and that's the beauty of yoga.  It gives you strength and courage to keep pushing on and keep moving forward.

I haven't accomplished what this man has.  But I've come a long way from what I was last summer.  I'm much stronger and healthier, and it's thanks to yoga that I can do as much as I can now.