Saturday, August 27, 2011

Food Log (27 August 2011)

It's been some really weird weather here today. So I didn't go for walk, and the rest of the day was busy so I didn't have time for yoga. We did go throw away wood scraps at the dump today, and it poured on us. Fun fun.

We stopped by one of my guy's bosses house, to see the house they finished renovating. We ended up staying there a lot longer than we planned to. Lost time to eat a proper lunch, so I just ate something quick. Then it was time to go to my sister-inlaws birthday fika (coffee and sweets). She ordered a passion fruit cake, baked swedish cinnamon rolls, and muffins. I had one cinnamon roll, half a small muffin, and a thin slice of cake with a cup of rooibos tea.

When we got home several hours later, I felt like I crashed. I felt drained, exhausted, tired and grumpy. I thought to myself not eating a proper lunch, and having refined sugar and wheat flour must have did it. We made a proper healthy dinner. After eating it and the food beginning to digest, I feel much better

I got a compliment today, my guy's boss's wife noticed that I lost weight.  She said "Oh, you look thinner, you look great!"  It totally made my day, especially because of the fact that Swedes aren't the type to give compliments easily or often.  So it meant that much more to me that someone noticed, it makes all my efforts that much more worth it. 

Breakfast: Oat porridge with fiber, strawberries, cinnamon, milk, flax seeds, sunflower seeds and agave syrup.

Lunch: 2 knäckebröd with peanut butter and no sugar added preserves.

Snack: Fika at sister-inlaw's, Swedish cinnamon roll, half a muffin, and a thin slice of passion fruit cake.

Dinner: Spinach, tomato, and cucumber salad, grilled pork, corn on the cob, and left over rice/barley/oat mix. 1 piece of dark chocolate.

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