Monday, September 12, 2011

Food Log (12 September 2011)

Tomorrow's weigh in day, but I'm not stressing about it, I know it will be a +. I feel like a Huge waterbuffalo >_< Oh well I will look forward instead to next weeks weigh in instead

My OH wanted schnitzel tonight, he suggested that we make our own with wholegrain spelt version. Though when I was preparing the schnitzel at home, I realized we could have bought crispbread crumbs at the store. Using the wholegrain spelt flour makes a really crunchy crust. It's great that my OH is wanting to try more foods cooked in low GI/GL fashion. I know I should have had something healthier but, I'm so blah today I was like well at least it's better than eating out like he wanted to originally.

I just realized that I completely forgot to look for veggie pate at the store today Been a really busy day.

Breakfast: Oat porridge with fiber, strawberries and raspberries, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, cinnamon, milk and agave syrup.

Snack: 1 dark chocolate.

Lunch: Last night's leftover: grilled pork, my mac n cheese, spinach and cucumber salad with lots of lemon.

Snack: 1 bite of my Allévo bar before going to the store.

Snack: 6 peanut M&Ms, cottage cheese and pumpkin seeds, and a peeled apple. 1 dark piece dark chocolate.

Dinner: Wholegrain speltflour schnitzel, red lentils, and pizza salad (it's a Swedish cabbage salad that's usually served with pizza).

Exercise: 28 minutes fast long walk, pushups, crunches, 56 minutes yoga.

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