Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Food Log (6 September 2011)

I'm still a little sore and still very much bruised, but I was able to do my whole walk and yoga. Which made me feel so much better and refreshed. Some of the poses in yoga was still a bit painful today. Yoga is something I've fallen in love with, and am absolutely addicted to now. I feel so much better and alive after doing yoga.

Today while out grocery shopping, my OH spotted something that he knows I absolutely love to eat. It was a new limited edition flavor called London Calling Salt and Vinegar Chips(Crisps). The other one they have here is too sweet and not vinegary enough. So we decided to try it. This one was good, not great, but much better than that sweet one they have here. I ended up having a couple handfuls, I could have easily had more. Though I thought to myself crisps are a no no. Darn you UK for creating Salt and vinegar crisps0!

Today I was having a huge craving for steak, so tonight we grilled some steak meat. Instead of eating half the steak, I ate the whole thing >_< So I ended up really stuffed. At least I didn't cave into my cravings for a chocolate milkshake today:( :)0

Breakfast: Oat porridge with fiber, raspberries, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, cinnamon, soy milk and agave syrup.

Snack: 1 piece dark chocolate.

Lunch: Last night's leftover: Chicken and broccoli stir fry with red lentil and quinoa mix.

Snack: 1 piece of chocolate (before grocery shopping), cottage cheese with pumpkin seeds, and a peeled apple (after grocery shopping).

Dinner: Grilled short loin steak, corn on the cob, red lentil and quinoa mix, and a big salad.

Exercise: 28 minutes fast long walk, pushups, crunches, and 60 minutes of yoga.


  1. I was craving steak last night too! Didn't get to have it but I'm having it today fer sure.

    I've never tried yoga...would love to though. But first I need to get my behind in gear for some daily exercise of ANY kinds! Why am I so lazy! :)

  2. I hope you get to have your steak tonight Lucy :)

    Have you clicked on my Yoga category? On there I have 3 great links to free Youtube yoga videos. Those were the 3 videos I began doing yoga to for 3 weeks. It's a great way to try out yoga and see how you feel with it. I do yoga at home since I'm too shy and lazy to go out to a yoga studio.

    I have many very lazy moments where I think man 1 whole hour, but then when I start doing yoga I feel so much more alive. It's low impact so it's easy on the joints, and it's not super demanding, but you get a lot of results from it.
