Monday, October 10, 2011

Food Log (10 October 2011)

I decided to try out Esther Ekhart's yoga dvd "Improvers Daily Practice", which is yoga for people who have been doing yoga, instead of doing her Beginner's dvd. I've been practicing some of the harder yoga poses, but I still have a long ways to go. Today's yoga reminded me of when I first started doing yoga almost three months ago, and how the poses felt difficult and challenging The Improvers dvd uses a lot more core and arm muscles compared to Beginners yoga. I can tell that the poses are really demanding, since all my muscles feel a bit shakey as if I've been doing some strenuous physical activity.

As for food, I've been trying to behave myself as tomorrow is weigh in day. I did eat plenty for breakfast and maybe too much for lunch. But for dinner I could have ate plenty more, though I made sure to stop at being satisfied instead of being greedy. The only thing that was not too good was that I wasn't finished making dinner until 19:30, so I ate dinner an hour later than I would have liked.

Breakfast: Oat porridge with strawberries, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, cinnamon, agave syrup and soy milk.

Lunch: Last night's leftover: Beef steak with tomato, radish, feta cheese and mixed dark greens salad and quinoa.

Snack: 2 pieces of dark chocolate

Snack: A peeled apple and a dessert spoonful of peanut butter.

Dinner: Beef, bell pepper, onion and garlic stir-fry with basmati rice/oat/barley mix.

Snack: 1 piece of dark chocolate.

Exercise: Pushups, crunches, and 42 minutes of yoga.

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