Sunday, October 23, 2011

Food Log (23 October 2011)

Today was a much better day for me, thankfully. Had way less cravings today, and was able to keep myself pretty good all day. I did have one non low GL snack, but ate it during the early part of the day.

We had good weather here, so I was able to go on a walk I also felt much better today and got to do my yoga Just about two weeks of this harder yoga, and I'm starting to feel that it's not as hard as the first 5 days. It's still tough, but I'm getting stronger.

Breakfast: Oat porridge with blackberries, strawberries, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, cinnamon, raw honey and milk.

Snack: Handful of salt and vinegar crisps. Half a kaki (Japense Persimmon).

Lunch: Last night's leftover baked cauliflower, falukorv with 3/4 slice of rye bread.

Snack: Cottage cheese with pumpkin seeds, and a peeled apple.

Dinner: Leftover baked cauliflower, falukorv and 3/4 slice of rye bread.

Snack: 1 piece of dark chocolate.

Exercise: 26 minutes normal walk, pushups, crunches, and 42 minutes of yoga.

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