Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Eighth Weekly Weight Update

This week's weight update isn't the best or the worst.  I have to admit that I'm quite pleased with it.  Throughout the week I'd see a little weightloss here and there, and then next thing you know when it's Tuesday it all adds up :) 

I've been exercising almost daily now.  I've become addicted to it.  There are days that I do feel a little lazy or something, and think nah I don't need to do it today.  But then I tell myself, "ok just go on that walk, or now just do at least 20-30 minutes of yoga."  Then it turns into an hour of yoga :)  I really enjoy the way I feel from my walks and yoga.  Also the benefits of shrinking in size helps.  Sure a quarter of an inch here or there a week isn't much, but it adds up in the end to an inch or two.

I haven't lost as much weight as I was hoping to, but I've gotten a lot stronger and have a lot more muscles than I did a month ago.  Since I should be losing at least 2 lbs a week, and according to my calorie counter I should be losing alot more a week from the exercise.  But according to Patrick Holford's Low GL Diet Bible, it does say that for those who began exercising alot it can be a slow start on weightloss, since we're converting fat into muscles.  So he recommends to also measure yourself to make sure you're still shrinking in size if the scale doesn't show it.  Thank goodness that I started measuring myself when I started the GL diet :)  Or else I would have had some depressing weeks a couple of weeks ago. 

Here's the 8th weekly weight update:

-1.8 lbs (-.82kg)

Total amount since started: -10.8 lbs (-4.91kg)

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