Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Myfitnesspal and Mini Goals

I've heard that using Myfitnesspal to keep track of calories is really great.  So today I made an accont there to track my food.  I think it'll be interesting to see exactly how much food (calories) I consume in a day. Only bad thing was I didn't weigh my breakfast today, and at lunch I completely forgot to weigh the food. So I had to take a guess at home much food it was. Doesn't serve much of a purpose if I'm not weighing the food. Weighing my food will be something I'm going to have to get used to doing

When I woke up this morning, I realized that I didn't have mini goals for myself.  It's great that I have a big goal, but I should have mini goals to be able to enjoy a sense of accomplishment a little sooner than say months away.  I thought that celebrating every 5 lbs of weightloss from now on will be something to look forward too Though 5 lbs seems so far away from now

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