Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Seventh Weekly Weight Update

It's been a lil busy for me today, so I'm posting my weekly weigh in a little later than I wanted to. I don't know if I should be thrilled or not. I gained 1.6 lbs in two days because of totm was coming, but lost it throughout the days. Did a lot of exercise hoping to counteract totm weight gain.

The positive thing is that I only gained 1.6 lbs instead of at least 3 lbs easy like I normally used to. Also it's been a much less dragging my feet one. On a good note, I did lose a little bit with the measuring tape. Lost 1/4 inch on my waist, 1/2 inch on the stomach, 1/4 inch on the hips, 1/2 inch on the bum, 1/4 inch on the thighs, 1/4 inch on the knees. They aren't much oh a loss, but usually at totm I have a harder time trying to button my pants, because it's so bloated, but not this time

So here's the 7th weekly weight update:

-0.2 lbs (-.09kg) totm

Total amount since started: -9.0 lbs (-4.09kg)

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