Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Food Log (16 August 2011)

Today's been a little busy for me. I got my exercise in and I'm really glad about that. Food wise I think it was ok, I haven't been planning meals lately. But it's been working out great so far.

Breakfast: All bran plus with blueberries and milk.

Snack: 1 piece of dark chocolate.

Lunch: Leftover hummus, tzatziki, spinach ruccola and tomato salad, and chicken, lots of lemon juice.

Dinner: Rotisserie chicken half breast with slice of rye bread, ruccola spinach tomato and cucumber salad with lemon, and some hot sauce for the chicken.

Snack: 1 piece of dark chocolate.

Exercise: 30 minutes walk, pushups, crunches, and 1 hour of yoga.