Sunday, August 14, 2011

Food Log (13 August 2011)

I woke up in a much better mood, and didn't have any dizziness. I took my woman's multivitamin with my breakfast this morning. Just to be on the safe side, think I was low on iron yesterday. Instead of eating al dente pasta, I switched out for soy beans since they're really low GL. I was really hungry all day yesterday, blame it on hormones and not enough of the right carb.

I actually ate less than the minimum 1200 calorie requirement on myfitnesspal. Not that I was trying to go under, but it happens sometimes. Plus I wasn't as hungry today. Soy beans are great, I can have alot for a portion and they stay in the stomach longer. I still have 602 calories leftover today I earned 553 extra calories from my exercises today, but I'm not hungry so I don't need to eat it. As you'll see I snacked alot today too, I guess just more of the better stuff

2 new milestone today, I did 11 guy pushups, and 65 minutes of yoga!

Breakfast: All Bran with sultanas, gojiberries, sunflower seeds, almond slices and milk.

Snack: knäckebröd with cottage cheese and watermelon.

Lunch: Spaghetti sauce with soy beans, and some watermelon on the side.

Snack: 1 Piece of chocolate right before yoga.

Dinner: Spaghetti sauce with soy beans, and watermelon on the side. 2 pieces of dark chocolate 70% for dessert.

Exercise: 30 minutes walk, 11 pushups, crunches, and 65 minutes of yoga.

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